Widnes coach Denis Betts has hinted that the brutal Easter schedule has taken its toll on his team’s performances recently.

The Vikings have lost their four games, and threw away an 18-0 lead against Castleford at the weekend to lose 24-34 at home. “We lacked energy today,” he said after the game.
Widnes Vikings logo
“I think the combination of these four games in a two-week period, has taken its toll on us.

Betts admitted that his players and staff were feeling stung by surrendering the game when they were in such a strong position against the Tigers.

“The disappointment that the group are feeling, that the coaching staff are feeling, and that I’m feeling, is that we put ourselves in a strong position,” he said.

“Even though we looked a little bit lethargic defensively, and we were struggling without the ball even when we were up on the scoreboard, you just sensed a frailty in us defensively.

“We gave them an easy leg up with some penalties and field position.”