Woolston Rovers Rugby League Club are absolutely thrilled to announce a two-year partnership with the State of Mind Charity and State of Mind presenyers will be at the player registration on Saturday Morning from 10:30 to 12:30.

State of Mind being present marks the beginning formally of our two year partnership and former players Danny Sculthorpe, Will Stringer, Phil Veivers and Ian Knott will be around to support the event

The State of Mind programme was established in 2011 with the aim of improving the mental health, wellbeing and working life of rugby league players and communities.
Woolston Rovers SOM Promo

Dr Phil Cooper, co-founder of SoM and Nurse Consultant from 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust said, “State of Mind’s two year partnership with Woolston Rovers will help to improve the mental and physical fitness of the next generation of local rugby league players. I am truly excited by the prospect of our collaboration and the visible presence with our volunteers and our brand but essentially the main objective is to help the players to identify how they can improve their mental well-being and encourage them to ask for help if they need it. We will be working very closely with the club officials to get the maximum benefit out of the partnership.”

Rovers PRO Dave Whalley said, “This is fantastic for the club to have this close association with the State of Mind Charity; the fantastic work that has been done by the organisation cannot be underestimated in anyway. They have given so much help to a huge amount of people over the past five years and we are really looking forward to working with Phil and his team over the next two years and beyond.”

The SoM badge will be worn proudly on both of our Open Age sides and Under 18s playing shirts for the next two seasons.