September will see the launch of Ian Smith’s autobiography
Ian Smith former Super League referee and now State of MInd Sport presenter will be revealing all next month
The book provides you with a glimpse behind the scenes of Ian’s former life as a professional rugby league referee, as well as his role as an ambassador for State of Mind Sport
Further updates coming soon
where can I purchase the book from please ?
A fantastic read, not just for rugby league fans (of any team but Hull FC), ha ha. It gives an insight to the ups and downs of the man in the centre. Ian was in my opinion, the best referee of his time who never got a final cup or grand. I am more than happy to call him a friend of many years, he is also a much better golfer than me, though a lot younger. I hope that this book will bring in much needed money for his other passion State of Mind Sport charity. All the very best my good friend Ian.
Hello. I’m trying to purchase the book by Ian Smith. I’ve been given a PayPal link but I’d rather not use PayPal if possible. Is there any other way I can buy it please?
Many thanks
Anthony, apologies for the delayed response. If you have not been able to contact Ian then if you are happy for me to forward your email to him I can do that. It’s a good read