State of Mind had runners in the St. Helens 10k Race last Sunday

Claire Needham (who recently retired from Merseycare NHS Trust and Phil Cooper from 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust strode out for the race where Claire completed her first ever 10k race.Phil and Claire St.Helens 10k

Claire and Phil were inspired to enter by Steve Prescott and his determination to achieve well beyond what would appear to be possible in his personal battle against cancer

Phil completed the course in a personal best time of 62 minutes 47 seconds which means both Claire and Phil have the same personal best

The weather was warm, the crowds were great especially when running those four gruelling hills in the race.

Notable State of Mind supporter Jimmy Gittins, Paul Sculthorpe and Terry O’Connor ran along with other notable runners raising funds for Steve Prescott Foundation Barry McDermott, George Riley and Shaun BriscoeTEz, Baz, George and Shaun St. Helens 10k 2014

State of Mind would like to thank all those people who supported us on the day and for all your support throughout the year, we are truly grateful