State of Mind co-founder Dr. Phil Cooper attended his graduation for his doctorate last week in Liverpool

Phils Graduation  head shot

Phil works as a Nurse Consultant in Mental Health and Substance Misuse and delivers the State of Mind education programme across the country alongside his full-time role in the 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Phil’s work has contributed to achieving a Mental Health Nurse of the Year award in 2012 with Carol Ede and a Lifetime Achievement Award in mental health at the National Positive Practice Awards in Mental health in 2013 and has now become Dr. Phil

Phil completed a challenge with the Steve Prescott Foundation in 2014 walking from Lands End to John o’ Groats in 11 and a half days with Paul Sculthorpe, Jimmy Gittins, Lee Briers, Tommy Martyn, Ade Cunliffe, Mark Halsey and Mike Denning raising over £30,000 for the Steve Prescott Foundation as the legacy continue to go from strength to strength!Bm2ivv_CMAEcUF5

The walkers can be seen at the start of the trek with the Cornish Rebels Rugby League players who joined the team for the first leg and State of Mind sponsor the rebels this year

State of Mind would like to wish Dr. Phil all the very best for the future and thank him for all the work he has completed delivering sessions to over 4100 players, officials, fans and students to build mental fitness