State of Mind were in Dublin last week and presented to the Irish Minister for mental Health (Kathleen Lynch)
SOM Ireland Logo

The sessions set up by University of Cork (Ned Kelly, Dr. Ian Pickup and Paul Stafford) and massively helped by Dr Martin Lawlor and Dr. Susan Lawlor

Danny Sculthorpe, Jimmy Gittins, Malcolm Rae and Dr. Phil Cooper travelled across to deliver the session on World Suicide Prevention Day

The session was extremely warmly received and the team were joined by David Corkery (former Ireland and Munster Rugby Union) who spoke passionately about the issues that had affected him after his career was brought short due to injury

State of Mind Ireland launches in January 2015 and will deliver session across Ireland in Universities and sports clubs and we would like to thank Martin and all involved in making this initiative happenState of Mind Ireland 14

State of Mind projects now exist in England, Australia and Ireland massive strides since its first inception in 2011