State of Mind went across to Cork University to officially launch State of Mind Ireland last week
Dr. Martin Lawlor is the driving force behind the launch with University College Cork and getting to this exciting stage in the development of our partners in Ireland. The evnt began with Malcolm Rae speaking before the award winning State of Mind education session was delivered by former rugby league players Danny Sculthorpe and Jimmy Gittins and ably hosted by Dr. Phil Cooper 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
The audience was swelled by many health professionals and former GGA Star Conor Cusack, former Ireland rugby union and Munster player David Corkery and Brian Carney former Ireland Rugby League and Union player
The day was a roaring success and the potential to save lives across Ireland is immense. An article in the Sunday Independent featured the launch and Jimmy Gittins story
State of Mind UK would like to wish our colleagues all the very best on the nest steps of their journey!