State of Mind Sport are presenting at the Cheshire and Merseyside Annual Suicide Prevention Summit

The 2016 Annual Suicide Prevention Summit 11/02/16 at Everton’s Goodison Park will focus on actions to positively engage and influence men. The summit includes the Time to Change campaign that challenges the stigma surrounding mental health.

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Men account for 80% of suicides across Cheshire & Merseyside, with the highest numbers in men aged 35-54 years.

Men are less likely than women to reach out to services. The Summit will highlight actions to change this.

The Summit will share actions by local sporting groups such as Everton in the Community, State of Mind Rugby and Opening up Cricket to make a difference and encourage other sports to take action.
Suicide Safer Communities is a model adopted by the NO MORE suicide prevention strategy to build the resilience and skills of individuals and communities in supporting each other.

The Summit will highlight actions to enhance these skills.

For more details about the summit click on the link below