Community Rugby League organisations in England are celebrating a major funding windfall, with over a quarter of a million pounds handed out thanks to the Big Lottery Fund’s ‘Awards For All’ scheme, over the past 12 months.
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Supported by the RFL, 28 organisations have applied to the fund, resulting in a total of £271,570.90 being granted to assist clubs to grow their Primary, Junior and Youth sections, qualify coaches and improve the safety and environment for young people playing the game by providing new equipment and first aid training.

All sectors of the sport have benefitted, from Medway Dragons’ Wheelchair team and the Barrow & District Match Officials Society, to the Yorkshire Junior League and North East Rugby League Multi Skills Club.

Russell Murphy, the RFL’s Community Funding and Grants Support Officer, said: “It is a fantastic achievement for the game.

“The grants work out at over £1000 per working day being invested into the grassroots of Rugby League.

“We have been supporting the organisations to submit their applications to help fund their projects,” he explained.

“Each of the organisations came to us with a plan to grow and we have helped them to refine it and make it deliverable.

“Some of the projects will soon be nearing completion and we are looking forward to seeing the difference that the grants have made.”

That figure is set to increase in 2016, with a further £50k of applications currently being assessed and another £40k of projects curently under development by Community Rugby League Clubs, with the aim of making a positive difference to their organisations and the wider game.

Russell is keen to hear from all organisations who could use a grant of up to £10k and have a project idea to grow their club or activity.

He added: “I am working closely with the RFL’s Club & Competition Management team to identify clubs and other organisations who need our help.

“There are some basic eligibility criteria to check that a grant can be made and a straightforward application form to complete.

“The RFL will provide support from start to finish – any Community Rugby League organisation who is interested should contact myself or their Club & Competition Manager for further information.”

Russell can be contacted via or by calling 07775 022 802.