Rugby league will have a special presence at the 2016 Olympics in Rio this summer when two of the sport’s most popular figures arrive in style at the Maracanã Stadium for the opening ceremony on August 4.
Rio Cycle Pic
While the athletes going for gold in Rio will take a direct route to Brazil, Keith Senior and Paul Highton (State of Mind Presenter) will arrive via an unconventional route with a 3,000-mile cycle ride from the Olympic Stadium in London.

Keith, the former Leeds Rhinos, Sheffield Eagles and Great Britain centre, and ex-Oldham, Halifax, Salford and Wales prop Paul have signed up for the epic ride to help raise funds for, and awareness of Rugby League Cares, the charity which touches people at every level of the sport.

The dynamic duo will join Mike Tomlinson, the husband of the late charity fundraiser Jane Tomlinson, and TV presenter Charlie Webster on the gruelling journey which involves a 1,200-mile ride through France and 1,600 miles of pedalling along Brazil’s coastal roads, setting off from London on June 27.

The ride to Rio takes place after Jane Tomlinson defied the debilitating effects of aggressive cancer and a broken pelvis to complete a gruelling ride across America, which proved to be the last challenge by the 43-year-old mother-of-three before she succumbed to breast cancer.

“Jane set off to cycle across the USA on June 29, 2006 at a time when she knew her cancer was aggressive and in its final stage. Her success was testament to her incredible mental strength,” said Mike.

“The Appeal, and we as a family, wanted to mark this milestone in a special way. As Jane was an ambassador for the 2012 London Olympic bid, it seemed appropriate to celebrate her life by cycling to Rio.

“Hopefully, the challenge will help us raise some money, but we also hope that by reminding people about Jane’s journey, it will inspire other people – and show just what can be possible with courage and determination.”

Before she died, Jane raised £1.8m for good causes and the appeal fund set up by her family has gone on to raise a further £6m for children’s and cancer charities across the UK.

A share of the money raised from the Rio Challenge will also go to support Rugby League Cares, a charity which aims to enrich the lives of people who are, or have been involved in the sport.

Keith Senior said: “It’s great to have this opportunity to raise funds for the Jane Tomlinson Appeal, Rugby League Cares and the Sheffield Eagles Include Foundation, of which I’m a trustee.

“Rugby League Cares does a lot of good work to help players succeed in their life after sport and I’m delighted to be doing the Rio Challenge on their behalf.

“I went through some tough times when I retired, as do a lot of players. Rugby League Cares does a fantastic job in providing support to players at every stage of their careers.”

Paul Highton, a former Great Britain Academy player who represented Wales at the 2000 Rugby League World Cup, said: “Jane Tomlinson was an inspiration to all of us who care about both life and sport and I feel privileged to be able to help build on her fantastic legacy on the Ride to Rio with Mike, Keith and Charlie. Paul can be seen with Ian Knott at a recent State of Mind session in Wigan.
Roots To Wellbeing Knotty and Highto

“From a personal point of view I’m looking forward to helping Rugby League Cares, a charity which does so much good for players and everyone else involved in the sport. It’s good to be able to put something back into a game that means so much to so many people.”

Sheffield-born TV presenter Charlie Webster said: “Jane showed complete determination and courage throughout her diagnosis and if I can have an ounce of that courage then I know I’ll be fine.

“It’s going to be a long, hot journey, but as a sports fan, the thought of cycling into Rio gives me goose bumps and doing it for such an amazing cause makes it even more special.”

To support the team go to or text JTR70 £ 5to 70070 to donate £5.

For more information about the challenge and the Jane Tomlinson Appeal visit

Rugby League Cares supports the development of rugby league, provides targeted health and wellbeing support to the sport’s community, protect the game’s rich heritage and, through the RFL Benevolent Fund, supports players enduring hardship.

Membership of Rugby League Cares costs just £20 per year or £2 per month – to help us make a difference to the lives of all the people involved in rugby league visit