Emma Goldsmith Coordinator of the Offload mental health project partnership with Rugby League Cares and State of Mind is embarking on her first charity challenge

I have agreed to a ridiculous 317mile off road bike ride in August. The bike I will be riding on has been kindly donated to me & I have purchased my first pair of padded shorts (which by the way feel very strange!).
Emma Goldsmith Cycle
I have just begun training. It hurts. It isn’t pleasant, and I have quickly realised that this isn’t the type of challenge I will be able to complete without some serious training. Panic mode has now set in.

I’ve managed a number of 40-55 milers, but I’m yet to understand how I can go further than that, for 5 days straight!!! The route we are attempting will take us down the country, from Headingly to Wembley, mainly on bridleways, canal paths and A roads. We will be on mountain bikes, and think we will probably be in the saddle for about 11 hours a day, (yes. ouch!) for 5 days.

To make matters worse…I will be attempting the ride with a number of current/past rugby players, who are not only physically strong but have bucket loads of grit and determination.

The only reason I haven’t yet quit and gone into hiding is because this ride is for charity. The charity is Rugby League Cares, the charity I’m proud to work for. Rugby League Cares supports the game from grass roots (providing grants to clubs in deprived areas), delivers health and heritage projects in Rugby league towns and provides players with hardship grants if they face adversity (e.g. life changing injuries). – www.rugbyleaguecares.org

It would mean a great deal to me if my friends and family would get behind me (not literally – not pretty in lycra!) & donate to make the pain worthwhile.

You can do so safely and securely through my Official Just Giving Page – just follow this link

Thank you in advance.