Our Healthy Holidays kids club is back!

Starting Monday 26th October. Sign up now by visiting hello@community-shop.co.uk Please share with the families you support

The Healthy Holiday programme offers a holistic approach to children’s health and well being; it is a physical activity and education based programme for primary and secondary school aged children and young people who are at risk of hardships felt through holiday hunger.

To monitor and evaluate the impact of the programme, weekly tasks and semi-structured interviews have been used to understand the
overall benefits to the health and well being of children and young people (4-16-years-old) who have taken part. The key findings of the children and families show how participating in Healthy Holidays has resulted in various benefits for the children, families and organisations

The Healthy Holiday’s programme has enabled children to access food with dignity, whilst opening up opportunities for personal development
and growth.

Thanks to Joseph Chow for letting State of Mind know about the project