Jimmy Gittins, State of Mind and Engage presenter will be embarking on his next challenge with the steve Prescott Foundation
Jimmy who broke his neck playing for Sharlston Rovers over 10 years ago anmd who recently featured on Sky Sports Super League Super Men programme will be travelling from Lands End to John O’Groats using a hand cycle cycling 8 hours on and 8 hours off every day for 12 days to beat the record time the distance has been travelled before by walking or by hand cycle! The Askvas Walk For Precky in Association with Container Cabins begins today and State of Mind will keep you updated on Jimmy’s progress along the route. Jimmy is pictured here at the front with Declan Kidney former Ireland Rugby Union coach, Danny Sculthorpe and Will Stringer before a State of Mind presentation at Cork University
Jimmy presents his story during State of Mind sessions and he has travelled the country sharing his experiences of how his positive mental attitude can overcome significant obstacles
State of Mind would like to wish Jimmy all the very best on his journey and if you would like to sponsor Jimmy and the Steve Prescott Foundation then please go to the Just Giving page below www.justgiving.com/lejogjimmy