Men’s Health Week 2020.
On the 15th-21st June the world celebrates Men’s Health Week.
This is a time to bring awareness to health issues that affect men disproportionately and focuses on getting men to become aware of problems they may have or could develop, and gain the courage to do something about it.
During Men’s Health Week, 15-21 June 2020, we’re asking our followers to help make a difference, by getting involved in suicide prevention work. We chose this focus for the week, because 75% of people who take their own lives are men.
By listening without judgement, educating ourselves and others, challenging stigma and working together, we can all help to save lives.
Suicide prevention: free training If someone’s struggling, talk with them, has FREE, online suicide prevention training. It’s OK to ask about suicide.
Find out more at The online training, is free and open to everyone