With a fabulous summer sporting calendar ahead of us it was appropriate for Maudsley Learning to create an event that raised the important subject of mental health in elite sport.

From my personal experience and observation, this is an area that is rarely discussed freely amongst athletes and within teams. We focus on physical fitness, set piece play, what we have to do to win. We don’t consider mental fitness, resilience and how athletes are coping with the pressure to succeed or worse yet a hidden mental illness. Game changing in MH

Maudsley Learning are proud to start a conversation that does just that. Please do join the conversation, learn from best practise and help everyone to raise their game of mental health in elite sport.

Our Mental Health in Sport webinar took place earlier this month. It focused on breaking stigma and initiating a conversation on the mental health issues which athletes face.

Featuring in our webinar were Nick Peters a Clinical Psychotherapist and former Professional Cricketer, Ian Braid, CEO at the British Athletes Commission and Dr. Phil Cooper from State of Mind. Phil C Man Run 2014.

Phil can be seen after completing the Great Manchester Run recently and after completing a walk from Lands End to John O Groats for the Steve Prescott Foundation in 12 days!

Click here to listen back on what proved to be an interesting and insightful discussion.

Ian Braid (CEO, British Athletes Commission) discusses The Mental Welfare of Elite Athletes in High Performance Sport. Ian featured in our webinar earlier this month and will also feature at our conference ‘Game Changing in Mental Health’ this July.

Nick Peters, Clinical Psychotherapist and former Professional Cricketer, reflects on our Mental Health in Sport webinar and looks ahead to our Game Changing in Mental Health conference this July in his blog for Maudsley Learning.