State of Mind proudly sponsor the Cornish Rebels rugby league who have battled their way through to the South West Grand Final against the Plymouth Titans


Rebels players joining the Steve Prescott Walk for Prekky earlier this year

We are delighted to announce to rugby fans everywhere that Rugby League’s début at the historic Tregorrick Park, St. Austell this Sunday 17th August will be made even more special as both clubs have agreed that as a ‘thank you’ for all the fantastic support shown for the League this year, the game will be FREE ENTRY for everyone. We would love to see as many people as possible there to cheer the boys on!

South West GF Rebels v Titans ad

Black & Gold Rugby League is heading for Tregorrick! The winners of Sunday’s final will not only be crowned Champions but will then be entered into the prestigious Harry Jepson Trophy competition, the winners of which will be entered into next year’s national Rugby League Challenge Cup!

We would love to see you there! Kick off will be at 2.30pm!

State of Mind would like to wish both teams all the very best in what will surely be a fantastic final