The Rugby League Founders Walk is a Rugby League Cares, mass participation fundraising event.

The event will take place over seven days from the 18th to the 24th of October, and forms part of the build-up to the start of the Rugby League World Cup 2013 tournament.

As the Rugby League playing nations are in their final preparations for the Tournament, Rugby League’s charity Rugby League Cares will be focused on encouraging whole of Rugby League community to come together in celebration of the founding of the sport over 100 years ago.

State of Mind are hopibng to recruit a number of walkers for the walk. State of Mind 197

Rugby League Cares is calling on everyone who cares about Rugby League to participate in the challenge and walk for those in the sport who need help. People can walk as far as they like with challenging walks taking place over a number of days, daily and community mile walks planned.

All of the planned routes make their way through some of the key historical locations linked to the early days of the sport. The charities objective is to encourage a Rugby League pilgrimage headed back to where it all began in 1895, the George Hotel in Huddersfield.

Rugby League Cares has created a new partnership with the Trans Pennine Trail to deliver the event and through this has the support of all 23 Local Authorities that span the trail.

Two separate legs have been created, one starting in Southport in the North West, the other from Hornsea near Hull in the East. Both routes meet in Huddersfield the day before the opening ceremony of the 2013 RLWC in Cardiff.

Participation is free, although anyone planning to take part will be required to register and commit to raising funds for the charity. Expectations are that the event will generate lots of interest and publicity.

To help with this we’ve recruited some high profile names from within the game to participate in the walk. Our RL celebrities will walk a day or will be attempting to complete one of the Eastern or Western legs.Rugby League cares logo

How to Participate

Participants have a number of options for how they can join in the Rugby League Founders Walk and all registered participants will receive an information and fundraising pack.

1. Take on the challenge and Register to walk one of the legs. Participants wishing to take on the challenge of walking one of the legs must commit to raising a minimum of £500.00 by the 11th of October, 2013. Special arrangements will be made for participants registering to walk one of the legs including accommodation and specialist support during the challenge.

2. Register to walk a stage. Choose from one of the daily stages and register to participate. Walking will take place between the hours of 8am – 6pm. Each stage will have a dedicated start and end point and will be support by the Trans Pennine Trail volunteers and supporters. Routes, specialist information and support will be provided.

3. Register to take part in one of our community walks. We believe that anyone can take part in the Rugby League Founders Walk and to support this we’ve organised daily community walks to accommodate everyone who loves the sport and wants to show their support. The community walks will take place during the day and early evening over 1 – 2 miles. This is a great way to take part if you are a school, club, team and business. All you have to do is register.

For further details click on the link below