Every player has a goal at the start of a new season. Breaking into the first team, scoring a certain number of tries, gaining international recognition. For Castleford’s Brett Seymour it is to live his life again according to George Riley.

“It scares me when I think I am still playing professional rugby league when I could be dead,” he says. “I wasn’t courageous enough to ask for help, I wanted to bottle it up and that was the wrong way to go” Brett seymour

Seymour is talking to me in the Tigers clubhouse after a bitterly cold morning training session with his new team-mates.

“It’s not something I like to talk about, or delve into, but I want to help others if I can,” he says, as we sit down to film an interview about the night his world almost ended. State of Mind 254

Less than a year ago, the 29-year-old Australian tried to take his own life. Struggling with his form and, unbeknown to him, depression, Seymour produced a performance littered with mistakes in a televised Super League match between Hull FC and Widnes. Brett praises the support received from Sporting Chance clinic who work closely with the RFL to provide support for professional rugby league players

For full story and to see the video of the interview please click on the link below
