Warrington Wolves Record Attendance for an Offload session coincided with the arrival of a film crew from Agence France Presse (AFP)
AFP is a global news agency delivering fast, accurate, in-depth coverage of the events shaping our world from conflicts to politics, economics, sports, entertainment and the latest breakthroughs in health, science and technology.
The interest in State of mind and our work led them to come to Warrington last month to film Warrington Wolves players in the gym, an interview with former Super League referee and State of Mind and Offload presenter Iam Smith, Offload attender Ian Lawton and Dr. Phil Cooper (who wrote the content for the education sessions)
Pirate Irwin (AFP Journalist and writer) was impressed with the Offload project and all it has to offer by using the power of sport to attract men to learn about improving their mental fitness.
State of Mind and Offload would like to thank Pirate, Faye and Paul for coming to witness a session in action and would like to wish them all the very best wishes for the future
If you would like to a come to an offload session and for more details please see below:
Salford Red Devils
Joanne Shepherd – joanne.shepherd@salfordreddevils.net
0161 786 1591 or text 07538042666
Widnes Vikings
Sean Mellor – seanm@widnesvikings.co.uk
0151 4952250 # 4
Warrington Wolves
James Howes – jamesjowes@wolvesfoundation.com
01925 248894