State of Mind were present to deliver the multi-award winning mental fitness session at the 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Participation Day last Saturday

Danny Sculthorpe, Ste McCann, Will Stringer and Dr. Phil Cooper presented the session and Widnes Viking’s Hep Cahill joined the day at lunchtime.Halton CAMHS SOM

The event was to raise awareness and break down the stigma associated woith mental health issues

The CAMHS website ‘Who am I’ created by and for young people about their experience of mental ill-health invites young people to record and upload a YouTube video in which they hold up a series of hand-written cards that explain their personal journey.—who-am-i?/

Alternatively they can view videos that other have uploaded under the headings of Depression, Eating Disorders, Self-Harm, Stress & Anxiety as well as Clinicians and Parents.