State of Mind co-founder Malcolm Rae and Programme Board member Simon Howes from CALM were presenting at the Liverpool Arena last night

The session took place on issues relating to mens health and how nurses and health services need to access men in environments where they feel comfortable. The Royal College of Nursing Congress has been in the headlines today as the largest nursing conference in Europe.State of Mind 373

This is the second year that State of Mind have presented at the congress following Phil Cooper and Carol Ede winning the Nursing Standard Mental Health Award in 2012 for the State of Mind education project that has gone from strength to strength.

State of Mind was commended for the work done to access people in rugby league clubs from Super League through the Championship clubs and now out to the amatuer clubs, universities and colleges.

A lively debate focused on mens health in general with Professor Alan White (who has done work with Leeds Rhinos and Rugby League Cares) leading the charge for better mens health provision. Alan has completed work with Leeds Rhinos, The Premier League and now in the Scottish Premier League. State of Mind 374

Nursing Standard are looking at an article about the project in the lead up to the Rugby League World Cup later this year.