State of Mind have been phenomenally busy in 2014 delivering mental fitness education sessions across the country, guiding people to get the right support and challenging the stigma of mental ill health

State of Mind have delivered education session to over 3000 people in Cardiff, London, Whitehaven, Sunderland, Warrington, St. Helens, Wigan, Salford, Widnes, Leeds, Huddersfield, Castleford, Wakefield, Hull, Sheffield and there are many more places already booked in for 2015Kafusi

We have delivered mental fitness conferences in Preston, Ormskirk, Manchester and Liverpool

A round of fixtures in Super League were themed again around State of Mind and generously granted by the RFL and our support from Rugby League Cares has been vital to our continuing success

The 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has continued to support the project at every opportunity. Sky Sports for their continued support and coverage resulted in them winning a Mind Media Award in November 2014 for the work completed by Angela Powers and Brian Carney IMG_4359

Mocha TV have continued their outstanding support in producing innovative films that are breaking new ground in challenging the stigma of mental health issues. Simon Howes from CALM in Liverpool has provided his expertise to guide the output of information and James Howes from Warrington Wolves

League 13 Super League Players Association have been exemplary in their support for State of Mind primarily Ernie Benbow and Jon Wilkin

We would like to thank Malcolm Rae and Steve Broomhead for their stewardship over the past 12 months and James Gordon from Love Rugby League for his passion and support for our goals

Our final praise is for all the players and former players who have supported the campaign via twitter and those who deliver the sessions in their own time

State of Mind would like to wish all our followers and supporters a very prosperous New Year in 2015