State of Mind will be delivering a pioneering number of sessions with Rainford High School today using rugby league to deliver mental fitness messages to pupils in the high school and sixth form college
The sessions were the result of a meeting with Mike Rush CEO St. Helens and former Rainford High School teacher and Ian Young (Head)
The project is the first whole school approach to be delivered by State of Mind following on from a previous session with Birchwood High School in Warrington with year 8 students (and we have been asked back to deliver to year 11 ‘s next month)
The approach aims to equip students with a range of simple techniques to maintain their mental fitness to allow them to perform better in school / college and sport
State of Mind will be delivering a number of assemblies to the majority of students at the school today with former players Danny Sculthorpe, Jimmy Gittins and Will Stringer
We are grateful to Ian for allowing the opportunity to provide the sessions and may set a template for other schools to follow