State of Mind round 25 included the first game where Warrington Wolves and Huddersfield Giants played out a fantastic drawn game

The State of Mind marquee was there again this year and 20 volunteers (a new record) were there to talk to people about improving their mental fitness

State of Mind 2014 wire volunteer giving out card

Examples of what volunteers feedback after the game was that the fans were right behind the round of fixtures as most people knew someone who had experienced some difficulties and promoting mental fitness was an ideal way to prevent problems in the future

One person came up to the marquee and told a story how they had experienced suicidal thoughts and found it really difficult to pluck up the courage top get help, but they had seen State of Mind two years earlier, clicked on the website and accessed support near to where they lived

Moz State of MInd 2014

They felt that State of Mind had played a massive role in saving their life

State of Mind’s sole purpose is to try and prevent suicide and improve the mental fitness in rugby league teams and communities, one life saved is the reason why we exist