Wembley try-scorers Ryan Hall and Oliver Holmes will conduct the draw for the second round of the Ladbrokes Challenge Cup at community club Oulton Raiders on Monday February 2 (7.30pm).

Leeds Rhinos winger Hall, a product of the Oulton Raiders community club, was a worthy winner of the Lance Todd Trophy as man of the match after scoring two memorable tries against a strong Castleford Tigers team in last year’s final.

Hall will draw the home teams whilst Castleford prop Holmes will draw the away teams to produce the 10 second round ties.imagesource (2)

The draw will be streamed live on the Ladbrokes Challenge Cup website from around 7.30pm – Rugby League fans can watch by visiting www.thechallengecup.com

The second round features 10 ties involving the 20 winners from the first round and will be played over the weekend of February 21-22.

Tickets for the 2015 Ladbrokes Challenge Cup final at Wembley Stadium on Saturday August 29 cost from as little as £20 and can be purchased by calling the Rugby League Ticket Office on 0844 856 1113 or by visiting www.rugbyleaguetickets.co.uk.