Joey Grima has stepped down from his role of head coach at London Broncos due to family reasons and a desire to return home to Australia.

Current assistant coach Andrew Henderson will take charge of the first team on an interim basis, the club will review during this time the head coach position. Grima was appointed as head coach in May 2014, taking over from Tony Rea, and oversaw the club’s only win in 2014, a 40-36 defeat of Leeds Rhinos at The Hive.images6ZT1WOWT

Grima said: “Due to some personal family circumstances out of my control I have decided to step down as head coach. I must focus 100 per cent on these personal issues at hand. It would not be fair on staff, our club, the players and supporters if I could not plan and lead our club to my full capacity.

“While it is sad particularly after making so many positive changes to our club along with David Hughes, Jason Loubser and my amazing staff, my family has to come first. My decision was made entirely by my wife and I, which David Hughes has generously accepted.”

London Broncos Chairman David Hughes said: “We are really sorry to see Joey go, we made every effort to persuade Joey to stay on but he had made his mind up over the past month and we respect his decision.”

Everyone from London Broncos would like to thank Joey for his hard work, commitment and professional approach during his time at the club. We ask that Joey’s privacy is respected at this point in time.

State of Mind would like to wish Joey Grima all the very best for the future