The RFL Benevolent Fund’s 2014 Christmas cards, which have been designed by the inspirational Matt King OBE, are now available to purchase.

All proceeds from the sale of the Christmas cards go to the RFL Benevolent Fund, which supports Rugby League players whose lives are affected by serious injuries sustained while playing the game, helping towards rehabilitation and enhancing the quality of their lives.Matt King. Matt can be see with Dr. Phil Cooper and Martin Coyd Lend Lease

Matt has been an inspiration in raising funds for the RFL Benevolent Fund and spinal injuries charities, with this the third year that he has been involved in designing the official RFL Benevolent Fund Christmas card, using his mouth to paint the image.

He was seriously injured playing for London Broncos Academy in 2004 when, two weeks after his 17th birthday, he was left completely paralysed below the neck level and unable to breathe independently.

Since then, the RFL Benevolent Fund has provided financial and practical assistance to Matt which has allowed him to gain a first class honours degree in law and a greater level of independence.

Matt was a torchbearer for the London 2012 Olympics and was awarded an OBE for his fundraising achievements in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in the same year.

The limited edition Christmas cards cost £10 for a pack of 12 cards.

They can be purchased by visiting, by contacting Katharine Irwin at Rugby League Cares at or by sending a cheque to the RFL Benevolent Fund c/o Katharine Irwin, RFL, Red Hall, Red Hall Lane, Leeds, LS17 8NB.

For more information about Rugby League Cares and the RFL Benevolent Fund, as well as details on how to donate to the charities, please visit