State of Mind were honoured to travel up to Glasgow to take part in the School of Hard Knocks programme facilitated by NG Housing
SOHK Phil and Andy
The State of Mind session was delivered by Dr. Phil Cooper and Phil Veivers (former Saints and Scotland player) and coach at Wigan, Bradford, Huddersfield, Salford and Workington

The lads were taking part in a mental fitness and resilience day and Phil Veivers put the lads through their tackling paces in preparation for their very first game of rugby.

It was great to meet up again with State of Mind supporter Andy Meharry and we would like to thank Greg Cann for organising the day

SOHK 2 SEssion

We look forward to coming up to the home of the Glasgow Tigers Speedway stadium next year

State of Mind would like to wish all those involved all the very best for the future and enjoy your rugby!