Phil Banks is looking to raise funds and awareness for a great charity helping athletes, rugby players and supporters from within the Rugby League Community at any level.

Rugby League isn’t only tough physically but also mentally too and requires high levels of fitness in both areas to perform at optimum levels.

Rugby League is considered a macho sport where attitude and ego play a large part in the game making it difficult for some to admit or accept they may be struggling in what ever way. bring the rugby community together to educate, assist and give access channels to treatment for those that require it.

Being a keen amatuer Rugby player myself and having had exposure to a range of people suffering from mental illness including myself in past times, I would like to assist State Of Mind to continue their work by rasing awareness and funds by doing a month alcohol free during April 2015 which will be a real test as anyone who knows me will know I enjoy a beer or two 🙂

Please assist in anyway you can and give whatever you are able to afford its greatly appreciated…every little helps you can donate to via my Just Giving page

State of Mind would like to wish Phil all the very best and would encourage anyone who can afford to donate to support his admirable efforts!