Rugby League Cares has received £97,200 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to secure the Rugby League Heritage Centre collection that was previously housed at the George Hotel in Huddersfield.

The exciting project will develop a Rugby League Heritage touring exhibition that will take historic Rugby League memorabilia around the country over the next 12 months.Heritage collection

The Heritage Centre collection contains some of the most important memorabilia in Rugby League history, including shirts, caps, programmes and souvenirs from internationals and Cup finals from across the world.

The new project will not only conserve the collection and exhibit it to the public but it will also give volunteers the opportunity to be involved in a range of heritage activities. A special schools’ learning pack that links rugby history with the national curriculum will also be produced.

Rugby League Cares is the sport’s charitable foundation and one of its key aims is to preserve and promote the sport’s heritage. The new heritage project has been developed in collaboration with the University of Huddersfield, John Smith’s Stadium and Kirklees Council and will complement and extend the other Rugby League heritage activities taking place in the town.

RFL archivist and Rugby League Cares trustee Professor Tony Collins said: “We are thrilled to have received the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund.

“Their backing and that of our partners at the University of Huddersfield, Kirklees Council and the John Smith’s Stadium will ensure that Rugby League’s great heritage will not only be seen by the widest possible audience but that hundreds of people will have the opportunity to volunteer and be part of collecting, conserving and displaying our sport’s wonderful history.”

Fiona Spiers, Head of HLF Yorkshire and the Humber, said: “Saving our historic archives is important as they provide such valuable resources for anyone who wants to explore their past. This project will save and conserve this significant collection, making it publicly accessible as well as provide training and skills in research and archiving for local volunteers.”

Details of dates and venues for the Rugby League Heritage touring exhibition will be announced later this year.