State of Mind were invited back to Birchwood High Schools, Warrington for the second time last week to present to the year 11’s at the school

Danny Sculthorpe, Phil Cooper and Will Stringer delivered two session to over 200 year 11’s in the morningBirchwood HIgh Danny and Will

The sessions wee well received and we would like to thank all the staff at Birchwood High School for allowing State of Mind the opportunity to come to talk to the Year 11 students

State of Mind were joined by Journalism student Sian Broderick for the sessions and Sian can be seen here with Will as the gym was laid out for the sessions Birchwood HIgh Will and Sian Broderick

The messages to improve mental fitness were reinforced by State of Mind cards that point out the ways to become mentally fitter and have access to information and support when it is needed.

State of Mind would like to wish all the students all the very best for the future!