State of Mind were absolutely elated to be back at St. Helens College
St. Helens College
Former players Jimmy Gittins and Danny Sculthorpe were joined by Dr. Phil Cooper from 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

The session was arranged by Jeanine Williams and the students were a fantastic audience and there were some great services present including Papyrus

Suicide is the biggest killer of young people – male and female – under 35 in the UK. In 2015, 1,659 young people took their own lives. That equates to over four per day. Every year many thousands more attempt or contemplate suicide, harm themselves or suffer alone, afraid to speak openly about how they are feeling.
St. Helens College 1
Papyrus are the national charity for the prevention of young suicide.

Papyrus draw from the experience of many who have been touched personally by young suicide across the UK and speak on their behalf in our campaigns and in our endeavours to save young lives. Together we believe that with appropriate support and education, many young suicides can be prevented.

Papyrus deliver awareness and prevention training, provide confidential support and suicide intervention through HOPELineUK, campaign and influence national policy, and empower young people to lead suicide prevention activities in their own communities.

HOPELineUK 0800 068 41 41

It was great to catch up with Paul Johnson ‘the Chaplain’ and Tina Kay from Eccleston Lions we would like to wish all the students all the very best for the future