State of Mind were extremely proud to be asked to join Time to Change Leeds colleagues at the weekends Kirkstall Festival at Kirkstall Abbey

Time to change Leeds and State of Mind

Kirkstall Festival took place on Saturday 12th July in the grounds of 12th Century Kirsktall Abbey and Time to Change were there with State of Mind. there was a

– Fairground
– Over 100 stalls
– Youth Stage
– Tea Dance
– 8 performance areas
– Comedy; Rock, Classical, Jazz, Folk and Light music
– Food and Drink
– Procession

John at Kirkstall Festival Marvin Golden, John Griffin and Will Stringer were there on the day

Time to Change Leeds will be stamping out mental health stigma; drop by the stall to join in the conversation, or volunteer on the day. State of Mind volunteered to help this fantastic organisation out on the day