State of Mind will be presenting a workshop at the Rugby League Cares, OneMedicalGroup, Salford Red Devils Foundation and Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust Health and wellbeing Conference at the AJ Bell Stadium

Thank you for attending today’s conference. Ever since Rugby League’s formation in 1895 the sport has remained rooted and committed to its local communities. The professional club charities, the “Foundations”, have in recent times become the champions of this work helping hundreds of thousands of people in their local communities to lead healthier and wealthier lives. State of Mind 82 Chris Rostron

Speakers include Jamie Peacock, Professor Alan White, Michael McCourt, Mark Foster and Rachel Beverley-Stevenson and workshops are being delivered by State of Mind, St. Helens and Salford Red Devils Foundation PLay Touch Rugby League, One Medical Group, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, Leeds Metroploitan University and European Healthy Stadia Initiative

Like all sports, our principle motivation to do this work is to encourage greater numbers to become involved as either a player, spectator or both. We make no apologies for this, due to a knowledge that all those that have, or that will in the future, will benefit immensely from the experience. Rugby League Cares was formed to bring
together all of the charitable programmes in Rugby League, a role that we are very proud and privileged to fulfil. Within the fulfilment of this role we have formed very effective partnerships with stakeholders throughout the sport and supported some incredible projects in mental health and wellbeing,
physical activity and weight loss. Warrington-Widnes SOM 27

Many of our stakeholders are here today showcasing their work and I feel certain that you will be impressed by their pioneering and innovative approach to making a positive, lasting difference and change to people’s lives.
We can’t thank our event sponsors enough for their contributions to today – Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust,
OneMedicalGroup and Salford Red Devils Foundation.

Finally, the challenge we set ourselves at the start of this journey was to ask the question can we make 2015 a Year of Health and Wellbeing in Rugby League. We believe we can, but we can only do so with the support of others. We very much hope you find the day interesting and enjoyable, and leave asking yourself a similar question to ours

State of Mind would like to thank Rugby League Cares for the opportunity to present at todays prestigious event and Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust for their supportPennine Care Adverts at salford