The third progress report of the suicide prevention strategy sets out what’s being done to reduce deaths by suicide in England.

The plan mentions State of Mind Sport as an example alongside #Itsokaytotalk as a means to use sport to access hard to reach groups.
Third national suicide prevention plan image of document
The emphasis for the plan includes the following

Better and more consistent local planning and action by ensuring that every local area has a multi-agency suicide prevention plan in 2017, with agreed priorities and actions;

• Better targeting of suicide prevention and help seeking in high risk groups such as middle-aged men, those in places of custody/detention or in contact with the criminal justice system and with mental health services;
• Improving data at national and local level and how this data is used to help take action and target efforts more accurately;
• Improving responses to bereavement by suicide and support services; and
• Expanding the scope of the National Strategy to include self-harm prevention in its own right.

If you want to have a look at the full report please click on the link below