Widnes Rugby League Referees Society have cordially invited State of Mind to deliver a session at the home of the Widnes Vikings on Wednesday 13th November

The Widnes Rugby League Referees Society (WRLRS) was founded circa 1940 by George Phillips. The society started with 10 like minded individuals who wished to develop a central meeting point for all those interested in becoming a rugby league match official. Widnes Refs

In the 1970’s the membership numbers started to dwindle with only 4 members turning up to meet on a regular basis, now the society is going through a revival with over 30 members swelling its ranks.

Some notable achievements and memorable names from the WRLRS include Mick Naughton who refereed the first ever Leeds v Liverpool Student Rugby League Match in April 1969 at Leigh Recreational ground and once received the accolade of being appointed to the 1978 World Cup Final. Ronnie Campbell and Dave Campbell have also taken part in many challenge cup games over the years.

Dave Campbell is now a Video Referee and also sits on the disciplinary panel for the Rugby Football League.

Other famous names include Stuart Cummings who is now the Match Officials Director for the Rugby Football League.

More recently we have achieved such successes as Darren Hayes being awarded the RL Conference referee of the year and North West Counties Referee of the Year for two consecutive years and Paul Cromer receiving North West Counties Junior Referee of the Year.

Our members have been appointed to many prestigious events over the previous season including the Lancashire Open Age Cup Final, U11’s, U12’s & U15’s Lancashire Cup Final’s, NWCL Challenge Cup Final and premiership Cup Finals, County Championship Finals and the European Federation Student games and Cup Final.

Some of our members are graded officials within the RFL structure and officiate in the National Leagues, Academy games and even Super League.

The Widnes Rugby League Referees Society meet on the second Wednesday of each month at the Halton Stadium in Widnes and new members are always made to feel welcome. Those wishing to become a member should initially attend the relevant RFL recruitment course after which their details will be forwarded to the local referee’s society secretary/development officer.

On completion of the relevant RFL recruitment course, the Society Development & Appointments Officer works with every new member to ensure he/she officiates (referee and touch judge) at the appropriate level to their individual experience and skills.

The society liaises with numerous local rugby league bodies to provide a variety of opportunities e.g. Halton Service Area, NWC Junior/Youth & Open Age Leagues, Widnes Schools ARL and Widnes Vikings. Each new member will receive regular feedback on their performances and also conduct self assessments; to identify opportunities for development and improvement. The society strives to ensure each junior member is accompanied by an experienced member; either as a colleague (referee and touch judge) or assessor/mentor.

For more details please visit widnesrlreferees.co.uk/ or ring 07709104477 and speak to Louise Greenhalgh .

State of Mind would like to thank Dave Yeomans for the invite and we look forward to seeing next week