Ade Cunliffe is a Steve Prescott Foundation Ambassador and is taking part in the Steve Prescott Foundation Askvas Walk For Precky in Association with Container Cabins to walk from Lands End to John O’Groats in 12 days, the current record is 12 days

Basically I am a healthier and more focused person for having Steve in my life, from a couch potato to the fittest I have been in all my life, and with this it brings benefits not just to me, but my family, and its all due to Steve and his daft challenges.

My outlook is more positive, as I realise there are many worse off than me out there. This is a picture of Ade’s toenail in training for the walk!Ades Toe Nail

I just love to evangelise about Steve and the Foundation, explain what he and it stands for, why we do what we do, its not to make ourselves feel great and important, it is to raise funds and awareness, and to find a cure or to help others who need the help.

This walk will push me to my limit, that I have no doubt, but I am sure my mental strength will help me get through it and push on through the pain barrier to the finish line.

If you would like to donate to Ade’s Just Giving page for the Lands End to John O’Groats challenge click on the link below


“What the mind believes, the body achieves”