United Kingdom Armed Forces Rugby League Head Coach, Flight Lieutenant Damian Clayton MBE, has named his prelimenary squad to travel to Sydney, Australia to embark on their campaign to win the Defence World Cup in July 2017, which is part of the RLIF Festival of World Cups.

The Armed Forces took part in the Associations Cup last year

They will be travelling to Australia in June as part of the Festival of World Cups

Royal Engineers at Tom Sephton Trophy
Royal Engineers at Tom Sephton Trophy

The 2017 Defence World Cup Armed Forces RL squad:

SAC(T) J Andrade – RAF
ETME J Basher – RN
CPO K Botwood – RN
SAC L Bradley – RAF
Spr K Brown -Army
AET Cooper – RN
SAC A Flintham – RAF
Fg Off C Gordon – RAF
ET M Haldenby – RN
Sgt D Hankinson – RAF
Capt T Howley – Army
Pte M Hoyle – Army
Cpl J Hutchinson (vice Captain) – RAF
Sgt J Kerman – Army
Pte D Maloney – Army
AB R Matthews -RN
LETME J Parry – RN
Sgt L Queeley – RAF
Gnr B Rowan – Army
SAC J Scott – RAF
SAC S Stevenson – RAF
LAET B Taylor (Captain) – RN
LCpl V Veikune – Army
Cpl S Wicks – Army
Sgt S Wray – RAF
– See more at: http://www.rugby-league.com/kingstone_press_leagues/article/39180/uk-armed-forces-rugby-league-preliminary-squad-named-for–defence-world-cup#sthash.hYfmhhgY.dpuf