The French prop yesterday met club chairman Bernard Guasch and CEO Christophe Jouffret after Head Coach, Laurent Frayssinous’ decision to drop Fakir to reserve grade until the end of the French Elite championship.

Following the meeting, Fakir has announced he will put his career on hold with immediate effect. jamal Fakir

The international prop, who started his ninth Super League season this year, has refused to play for Dragons reserve team Saint Estève XIII Catalan and has also turned down offers from other clubs.

“Jamal has been a key player in the team since the beginning. He became one of the most feared prop in the competition.

He is an honest and responsible man and had the courage to admit that he was not 100%. He prefers to stop playing for the moment rather than cheating.

The whole club wishes him all the best and will support him for its future choices.” Christophe Jouffret, Catalans Dragons CEO.

State of Mind would like to wish Jamal all the very best in the future