BBC’s Get Inspired is encouraging people to get in to rugby league

Why get into rugby league? It’s a great sport to build up strength, stamina and fitness, as well as making friends and socialising.
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Who is it for? With so many versions of the game, there is something to suit everyone regardless of your age or gender.

Is there a cheap option? Grab a rugby ball and some friends and head to the park for a game of touch rugby. See below for more info.

What if I want a proper workout? Join a club to commit to playing and training on a weekly basis to really build up your strength and stamina.

Can I take it to another level? There will be various teams at your local club so give them a call and see when they are next holding trials.

Is there a disability option? Wheelchair rugby league offers disabled players of both genders to play together. A real social occasion!

Is there a family option? Touch or Tag rugby league is a fun, non-contact version of the sport suitable for all ages to play together.

Rugby league is a fast and dynamic game, which involves great strength, stamina and skill, and is played through the summer, so no muddy pitches, or cold, wet training nights! With so many variations, you don’t have to play the full version of the game to be part of it. Whatever your age, gender, fitness level or technical ability there is a version of rugby league that will suit you. Use the Rugby Football League’s (RFL) Club Locator to find your local club, no matter where you are in the UK.

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