The Hull & District Primary Rugby League 2015 Season kicked off in exceptional style at the Lightstream Stadium, home of Hull Kingston Rovers.

Over 120 youngsters aged 6 and 7 year old from Rugby League Clubs all across the Hull region turned out to play on the same pitch as their Super League Heroes.

The Hull & District League Secretary Carol Bailey and Primary League Coordinator Janice Thompson who organised the event with the help of Jason Netherton from Hull KR, was taken aback by the event and extent of participation.

League Secretary Carol Bailey said, “We hope this is the beginning of many of these festivals to be played during 2015 throughout Hull. Mike Smith the CEO of Hull KR has been fantastic and is very supportive of the H&D League and is very passionate about Rugby League”.

Carol added, “For the little ones to play on the main pitch like their hero’s is fantastic and like a dream come true for them.

“The smaller game version of Rugby League means that there were no subs, every child played all the time, and every child got more of the ball, which in time will improve their development, handling skills and confidence.

“There were some fantastic rugby on display and every child played their hearts out, and the smiles on their faces said it all! It certainly makes all the effort of all involved worthwhile.”

“Don’t worry Hull FC fans, FC have also offered to host a festival during the season and we appreciate their support.”

John McMullen Club and Competition Manager for the RFL who helped with the festival said, “I was pleased to be involved in such a fantastic event.imagesource (5)

“Watching all children having fun and enjoying their experience of playing Primary Rugby League was extremely rewarding.

“No child was a substitute waiting to play, instead they were involved in every minute exactly the same as every child that attended.

“You could see some of the lesser confident children grow in confidence as the games progressed with added participation and involvement.

“The feedback was extremely positive and the enthusiasm to conduct future festivals started after the final whistle had blown!”

The Hull and District Festival is just the start of a coordinated approach to increasing children playing Primary Rugby League in Hull.

Both professional clubs are doing fantastic work through their foundations and the Sky Try programme will see Hull KR and Hull FC staff visit Schools to deliver Primary Rugby League as part of a 7 year programme.

They are teaching Rugby League to pupils over a six week period which finishes with a School festival. The foundations are then signposting the pupils to Clubs in that area, and then they too can take part in these exciting festivals.”

Mick Amos Primary Rugby League Manager commented, “I’m delighted the Hull Primary Rugby League Festival was a huge success and it is a credit to all the volunteers and children who made this occasion so special.

“Every Child playing all the time and also having increased contributions through more touches and tackles is pleasing for the Children, the volunteers and Rugby League.

Children love being active playing and having fun, not stood around watching their friends play. Children also love being significantly involved as this increases their enjoyment.

This festival highlighted all of this and what makes Primary Rugby League so special.”

He added “Primary Rugby League is also about making friends and having respect for each other.

“With that in mind I’d like to applaud all the positive effort and support Hull Kingston Rovers and Hull FC staff and fans have done for Connor Lynes through his injury.

“This unity amongst intense rivalry promotes positive messages to children about this great game.”

For more information about Sky Try please click the following link