State of Mind have been asked to present the multi-award winning session at the Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust annual members day on September 22nd from 10am to 4pm
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Leeds and YORK NHS Annual Members Day 2015
Our special guest stars

Would you like to be a professional rugby player for an hour? In support of Man Up? campaign, State of Mind will take you into the all-male world of the professional rugby team to think and feel like a player.

This presentation isn’t just about sport, but how men cope and come to terms with challenging and life-changing situations.

Get involved!

• join a choir, play an instrument, be part of our ‘mantage’
• information stalls – advice, information and freebies from groups,
projects and services
• live music, art display, pop-up cinema

The day will start with the formal Annual Members’ Meeting. We have over 18,000 members and there are a limited number of spaces available for this fantastic day. Transport from Leeds is available on a first-come-first-served basis.

Q-Park Barbican parking vouchers available.

Booking is essential. Call 0113 85 55900
or email