The State of Mind Round 20 in Super League was a roaring success breaking records for the second year running

Twitter player ambassadors including Ben Cockayne, Paul Wellens, Chev Walker, Chris Riley and many others retweeted messages to people who then retweeted the messages to 5,997,193 twitter followers (1.6 million more than last year)
Ratchford SOM 2015 Whats Theirs

Dr. Phil Cooper one of the co-founder of State of Mind said “The latest State of Mind Round has far exceeded our expectations as we have taken the message further and accessed more people than ever before, rugby league is certainly tearing down the barriers of the stigma surrounding mental fitness”

There were 6,500 mental fitness cards sponsored by League 13 distributed across the country at games.There were 4000 flyers given out over the 6 games promoting State of Mind What’s Theirs?

Players warmed in tee shirts at all games and features on Sky Boots n All, Super League Show, Live Games featured studio discussion and logo, projected on to the pitch and on video referee decisions
Chase SOM 2015

There were record numbers of volunteers for the second year running in partnership with the RFL and RL Cares

State of Mind would like to thank everyone involved ion making the round of fixtures happen especially the clubs who were fantastically helpful in organising a round of fixtures that will have saved lives!