State of Mind Sport Trustees met for their latest meeting last week
The items on the agenda included the following:
Support for the Scotland Rugby League X League team for this years World Cup and the team warming up in State of Mind tee shirts
Financial update after the pandemic impacted on thew work we could do face to face and how we have adapted and worked through the year and the plans for the next 12 months massive thanks to Nick Rowe (Treasurer and trustee)
Discussion of the State of Mind branding assets and what we may need to review in the near future
Discussion of the best way to honour Dr Martin Lawlor in an annual memorial linking with Manchester University and State of Mind Ireland
Update on the State of Mind 40/120 Initiative that has been a phenomenal success raising over £12,000 leading up to the Trustee meeting (thanks to Phil cooper trustee)
There was an update on the State of Mind – ‘Be the Ref’ virtual reality 360 degree filming of what it is like to be a referee in professional rugby league and this was trialed by Liam Moore at the friendly match between Warrington Wolves and Leigh Centruions earlier this year and the results have been outstanding thanks to Owen Cotterell (trustee)
Recent catch up meeting with Rugby League Cares (thanks to Claire Carson – Chair of Trustees and Owen Cotterell)
Plans being put in place to begin the State of Mind Grassroots Project that will be linked to Terry Newton to provide mental health support for rugby league clubs across the country (Thanks to Ste Cash and Danny Sculthorpe)
Recent SOM Talks Transition podcasts with George Riley interviewing Lee Briers, Anthony Mullally and Matty Blythe and the positive reception they have received
Recent Rugby League World Cup bid being successful to support referee societies across the host citizens and towns (thanks to Ian Smith presenter, Angela Howarth trustee an Phil Cooper trustee)
We are looking forward to some really exciting new projects to help as many people as possible improve their mental fitness as this wis what all your donations allow the charity to achieve and we don not employ any staff to allow all donations to be targeted at the projects we run alongside numerous partners